The Four Cs Made Yours

When dealing with diamonds, you will often hear the mention of the 4Cs, which offer a useful starting point for understanding its different qualities. JMA Jewelry takes a step beyond the 4Cs to consider your preferences and to optimize value, for a diamond that fits you perfectly. All of your diamonds are distinctly JMA in quality and beauty.

Your diamond is distinctly you in the way you wear it.


The Cut refers to the way a diamond’s facets interact with light. It examines the proportions, angles, symmetry, and make of a diamond, all of which determine the degree of a diamond’s radiance.

The Quick Guide to Sparkle:

Too Deep

Light escapes through the sides and stone may appear dull.

Too Shallow

Light escapes at the bottom and stone may appear dark.

Perfect Proportion

Light reflects wholly and stone sparkles intensely.

Perfect Symmetry

Facets are even in shape, outline and alignment directs light seamlessly and creates brilliance.


Think of Clarity as your diamond’s fingerprint — with each stone unique in its own internal characteristics called ‘inclusions’ and external characteristics called ‘blemishes’. Clarity measures these characteristics, and how they affect the appearance of the stone, on GIA’s grading scale of Flawless to Included. At JMA Jewelry, we specialize in finding eye-clean diamonds.


Color refers to the presence or absence of a natural tint in white diamonds. We follow GIA’s color grading scale of D to Z, with each grade representing the stone’s depth of color. Most white diamonds used in jewelry are near colorless, with a slight yellow or brown tint — and, the closer the stone is to being colorless, the higher its value is.


The most objective of The 4Cs, the Carat relies on scales and weight. The Carat measures the diamond’s weight, not it’s size. A bigger carat does not always mean a bigger stone. Consider the Carat together with the Cut, and look at how the weight is distributed to maximize every point.

Rings Made Yours

Your perfect engagement ring isn’t in any store display — it’s made for you. Excellence is a promise that comes with every creation. From our hands to yours, we carefully craft a ring inspired by moments shared, and designed for a lifetime together. For a ring that speaks to your heart, make it your own.

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